Revered Beparwah Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj founded Dera Sacha Sauda in 1948 with the mission of connecting people with the divine, instilling values of humanity and goodness in every heart, helping them realize their true purpose, and providing a clear path to salvation.

For ages, people have remained entangled in questions like, Does God exist? Why can’t we feel or see Him? How did the universe come into being? Who am I? How did I come about? What happens after death? What is the meaning of life? Are morals or ethos of any relevance?

These questions have puzzled humanity for generations. To provide answers and illuminate the path to knowledge, God sends His messengers in every era. These messengers, appearing as Gurus, Saints, Prophets, and divine incarnations, help people understand their origins and the essence of religions.

Dera Sacha Sauda was founded with this purpose, to offer answers to all of such queries and solution to problems, enabling individuals to move forward on the righteous path forever.

History of Dera Sacha Sauda (Sirsa)

Dera Sacha Sauda, which literally means "Place of True Deal," is a spiritual organization where the true God’s words/Method of Meditation are imparted. The true deal here means to exchange one’s vices & problems with goodness & virtues. The organization was founded by His Holiness Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, who was bestowed with divine spiritual powers by his Guru, the Revered Saint Sawan Shah Ji Maharaj.

Witnessing the impressive ceaseless devotion of Mastana Ji, Saint Sawan Shah Ji Maharaj sent him to the semi-arid Transitional Plains of India, known as the Bagar area, to enlighten people with God’s true words. In recognition of his spiritual mission, Mastana Ji was honored with the title of “Emperor of Bagar” by Sawan Shah Ji Maharaj. Choosing Sirsa as the epicenter of his spiritual work, Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj laid the foundation stone of Dera Sacha Sauda on April 29, 1948.

For twelve years, His Holiness Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj taught the method of meditation to thousands of seekers, encouraging them to abandon evil deeds and lead honest lives through hard work. During his spiritual journey, he also established at least a dozen Dera premises in the states of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Delhi. Through these ashrams, he extended his divine blessings far and wide.

Divine Coronation Day- 28th February 1960

On February 28, 1960, Revered Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, the embodiment of Divine Light, transferred His divine powers to Reverent Param Pita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj. On this day, Sai Ji entrusted the spiritual leadership of Dera Sacha Sauda to Revered Shah Satnam Ji. With deep devotion and love, His Holiness Param Pita Ji nurtured the seeds of spirituality sown by Revered Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, spreading its fragrance to every corner of the world. Adorable Param Pitaji accelerated the pace of spiritual awakening, blessing approximately 11,084,290 people with the Method of Meditation till August 26, 1990.

Divine Coronation Day- 23rd September 1990

On September 23, 1990, the third successor of Dera Sacha Sauda was chosen. His Holiness Param Pita Shah Satnam Ji ceremoniously handed over the spiritual leadership to Revered Guru Ji Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Addressing the entire Sadh Sangat (disciples), His Holiness Param Pita Ji declared, “We were, We are, and We will be,” assuring everyone that the divine power guiding since 1948 would continue to illuminate the righteous path for all eternity. Today, the spiritual sapling planted by Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, nurtured by Param Pitaji, and entrusted to Hazoor Maharaj Ji has grown into a vast Banyan tree with over 65 million devotees worldwide.

Dera Sacha Sauda Unveiling the True Significance of Religions Teaching Devotion to GOD

Ages back, religions were evolved by our great saints & sages to showcase the righteous path to individuals and society at large. Religions are the foundation of a civilized society, without them, no one would ever know their limits and become satanic through their acts. Religions have made them civilized by imparting true teachings and values to all.

Religions unite people with each other and with Almighty God. Their teachings focus on unity and not on any sort of division among people, regardless of their backgrounds. Dera Sacha Sauda has helped people realize this sacred value of our religions.

It may be hard to believe, but without saints, the religions or spirituality as we know them today might never have been born! They incarnated to teach the right pathway to the world. Just as a student needs a teacher to study and pass a class, a Guru or saint is essential to guide people along the secretive paths of spirituality and to understand the depths of religion. These enlightened beings incarnate on Earth to provide true knowledge of life to mankind, without seeking anything in return, whether in cash or kind. They form the basis of spirituality and religion.

Saints never disperse facts without first experiencing them themselves. The divine purpose of their incarnation is to bring spiritual enlightenment, help people realize the true purpose of their lives, and show the way to salvation.

Saint MSG- A True Philanthropic with the aim to awaken dying humanity

The embodiment of the trinity, His Holiness Saint Dr. MSG has initiated 167 humanitarian works for the welfare of all creatures of the Almighty. With the message, ‘Service to humanity is akin to serving God,’ Revered Guruji motivates all to serve everyone selflessly. These humanitarian endeavors are making a significant impact and bringing a positive wave of humanity & righteousness. Some of these humanitarian works have even earned Dera Sacha Sauda recognition in the Guinness Book of World Records, not once, but 18 times! Some got recognition in the India Book of Records and some in the Asia Book of Records and Limca Book of Records as well. It is not about performing acts of humanity to earn accolades; the truth is, that Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers are so dedicated and impactful in their humanitarian deeds that they receive international recognition. Under the leadership of His Holiness, spirituality, and humanity are excelling beyond bounds.

The Establishment of dera sacha sauda

Dera Sacha Sauda, the socio-spiritual organization was established by most Revered Saint Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj on April 29, 1948 in commandment of HIS Guru honorable Saint Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj. When honorable Guru Ji (Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj) blessed HIS Holiness Shah Mastana Ji with the divine power and ordered HIM to emancipate people in area of Bagar, HE along with some devotees started looking for a site to establish Ashram and then finalized the place where Shah Mastana Ji Dham stands today. The Ashram was then named as Dera Sacha Sauda by revered Guru Ji. This place is situated about two kilometers from the city in the southern direction, on the Sirsa-Bhadra road, which is famously known as Shah Satnam Singh Ji Marg. The place during those times was barren land covered with thorny bushes, but His Holiness chose this piece of land and made it the most auspicious place for the whole world where people from all caste, religion and race come together, without any discrimination and chant the Supreme God’s Name in an equal manner.

Establishment of Dera Sacha Sauda

Adorable Shah Mastana Ji with his pious hands dig the first spade on land and laid the auspicious foundation for the ashram. On this occasion, a disciple from Mumbai sung the spiritual rhyme “Hari ki kathaa kahaaniyaan, Gurmeet sunaaiyaan (the stories and legends of the Lord, narrated by the beloved Guru)”, and Mastana Ji expounded on the rhyme. The construction of ashram then began in all earnest and devotees from nearby areas came to be a part of this service. The construction work went on continuously for days and nights. Thorny bushes were uprooted and the earth was leveled at the site. Many snakes, scorpions and other poisonous creatures apparently came out of the earth. His Holiness ordered the volunteers, “No creature should be killed. It should be caught and let off at a distant place.” On the holy command of Guru Ji, no animal was killed and neither did any of the snakes, scorpions or other poisonous creatures harm anyone. The volunteers used to catch the snakes, scorpions, etc.; immediately took them to a place far from human settlements and left them there. This miraculous practice is being followed in Dera Sacha Sauda till date.

Establishment of Dera Sacha Sauda

When the construction started, the problem of water was to be solved as the place was on outskirts of Sirsa city. The drinking water used to be brought from the city whereas for construction purpose, water was taken from a stream flowing adjacent to ashram. Bricks were made in ashram itself. At Night, mud bricks were prepared and during the daytime were dried into concrete bricks. Each & every process of construction whether small or big was done under the guidance of His Holiness Mastana Ji Maharaj. His Holiness HIMSELF directed on the architecture of ashram. Initially a hut was constructed, adjoining to which a cave was built with a ceiling equal to the height of the hut. The entrance of the cave was from inside the hut. Even the rooms built were so small that one can only sit there, aiming to help devotees meditate there without lying down. Thorny shrubs were cut and piled into a tall and strong fence around the ashram. Thus, the ashram was ready to be served for human being’s emancipation.

Establishment of Dera Sacha Sauda

For naming the ashram then, His Holiness suggested three names: Roohani College (Spiritual College), Chetan Kutiya (Hut of Consciousness), and Sacha Sauda (The True Deal) and later on, with the consent of all present devotees “Dera Sacha Sauda” was finalized. Defining its meaning, Revered Mastana Ji stated that it is not a new religion or new section of the society. It is a place in confluence of all religions where the true deal takes place. Truth in both the worlds is only one that is the Supreme Power, the Almighty and the deal is to chant the God’s Naam (words) in lieu of throwing away all your sins without any cost. HIS Holiness, then firmly stated about Dera Sacha Sauda, “There’s nothing that’s going to diminish here. The Treasure of God’s Name will never end in both the worlds. East will bow here, West will bow here, the rising one will bow here, the descending one will bow here; the whole world will bow.”

Since, 29th April, 1948 the ashram has seen many changes in its architecture and the count of devotees manifolding into lacs & crores. Present Guru Ji Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, in HIS own unique ways, continuously work on beautifying the ashram, besides this, what makes it the most religious and spiritual place in this world is the sense of peace and contentment one feels here.