Dec 6, 2022
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40 Days, 5 New Welfare Initiatives, Massive Drug De-addiction Campaign & Tons of Joys - Saint Dr MSG’s every moment was dedicated to Nation & Society


  • Urge to give dedicated time to family and follow Digital Fasting
  • Message to use water and all natural resources judiciously
  • Use technology for good
  • Massive efforts towards making society free of drug addictions
  • Multiple initiatives towards human welfare

15th October – The memorable date when Parole of Saint Dr MSG Started

Owner of multiple Guinness Book Records, Asia Book Records, India Book of Records and Limca Book of records in human welfare, one of the most sought after versatile genius personality, who masters every art possibly known to humans; from pottery to poetry, agriculture to cooking, engineering to Ayurveda, Medical science to movies direction - the wide range of crafts, sciences and techniques known to Him make Him a Super Human.

The words for introduction fall short whenever we talk about Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, known as MSG across the world. Guruji came to Dera Sacha Sauda, Shah Satnam Ji Ashram, Barnawa, Bagpat, U.P. on 15th October on 40 days parole and along came oceans of divine ecstasy for millions of followers worldwide.

During the 40 days stay, every moment of Saint Dr. MSG was dedicated to the well being and welfare of the entire society, entire nation and mankind. Through Online Gurukul, millions of people connected everyday with Guruji from across the world via live zoom meetings and live YouTube sessions. Lakhs of drug addicts left their addictions and pledged in front of Saint Dr. MSG to refrain from intoxicants for the rest of their lives. Guruji gave a very strong message against drug addiction and launched a massive campaign called DEPTH Campaign to make the country drug-free.

FLAME: Fixing Life and Air by lighting oil lamps Aimed at Making Environment clean.

On 8th November, during the celebrations of pious Bhandara of Shah Mastana Ji’s Incarnation Day, Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan launched a new initiative called FLAME urging everyone to light up ghee or oil lamps every morning and evening. Guruji lighted up 9 lamps and commenced this initiative, out of these, 3 lamps have been placed in Shah Mastana Ji Dham Sirsa, 3 in Shah Satnam Ji Dham Sirsa and 3 in Shah Satnam Ji Dham Bagpat, UP. All these would be lighting up continuously day and night.

Revered Saint Dr. MSG sermonised that lighting up lamps with oil or ghee cleanses the environment as the bacteria and viruses present in the environment get eliminated. Revisiting and reviving our cultural inheritance of lighting lamp every day, Guruji urged everyone to light at least 1 or up to 17 lamps every morning and evening.

Millions worldwide pledged to follow this ritual.

Enabling the visually challenged in examinations by volunteering as scribes for them

Understanding the limitations of visually challenged people and taking action to help them, revered Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan launched another initiative as per which the volunteers would register themselves as scribes for those with optical limitations and help them to write their examinations. On the single invocation of Guruji, millions of hands got raised, pledging to give their contribution in this noble task.

Emphasize on keeping the environment clean and green

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan is an ardent nature lover and Guruji urged everyone to keep their vehicles under pollution check, since keeping the air clean is our collective responsibility. One must duly keep the pollution levels in control and not just buy a paid certificate, if there is some problem with the vehicle, one must get it repaired. Guruji also urged the folks to spread the awareness amongst one’s friends and families as well.

The secret to balanced life and happiness – family time

Work pressures, social media addictions etc. have taken away the most important part of our lives- togetherness and family bonding. This gives rise to anxieties, declining mental health and breaking apart of relationships. To fix this, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan launched a new campaign called SEED – Social Spiritual and Self Life Enrichment and Enhancement by Digital Fasting, based on which every day, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., digital fasting should be observed and families should spend time together with each other. This would sweeten up the relationships and enhance the overall wellbeing of individuals.

Save Water, Save Life; every drop is precious

Water is life, it is the most precious natural resource on this earth and yet there is massive misuse and wastage of water. On 6th November, revered Saint Dr. MSG sermonised that we must save every single drop of water; the ground water levels have dropped so drastically that even the scientists are deeply worried. The possibility of war for water seems not so distant. One can do without other materialistic things, but living without water is impossible. Small droplets fill the ocean. If there is some water leakage, get it fixed, if drops of water are leaking from a tap, put a bucket underneath and save that water; revered Guruji also said that don’t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth, instead take a glass or mug full of water for that. Following this, a lot of water can be saved at any given point.

Cautious Parenting – give complete attention to children

Saint Dr. MSG told that meditation is the only way of achieving a deep peaceful state and also urged the families to be cautious and conscientious towards children’s upbringing, especially in today’s era of internet. Guruji sermonised that every elder of the family must definitely install apps like Net nanny, Femi safe, Google family link, vrb kids in their mobile phones, so that you get to know the time frame for which the kids used mobile phones and what all they watched in it. Lock the negative content, remove it. Guruji inspired the parents to instil deep moral values in their children. On single call of Guruji, millions of Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers pledged to use the social media cautiously.

Education must include teachings of our religious scriptures

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan sermonised that learning and teachings of all the religions should be made a part of educational curriculum and humanity must be taught at school levels. Guruji answered a number of questions by various people from many locations and pacified their curiosities, Guruji also sermonised that no matter how much bad someone tries to do, never let go of humility and politeness. Keep advancing towards your goal; as much as someone will try to show you inferior, you will keep on getting superior. Saint Dr. MSG also urged the youngsters to adopt farming as occupation and to take up organic farming, free of harmful chemicals. Guruji sermonised that the day of ‘RamRajya’ will certainly come and India’s name will shine on the world map. Guruji also said that the religions aim to connect, not to divide; we must respect all religions and be proud of our cultural inheritance.

‘Jaago Duniya De Loko’ – A soul stirring wakeup call against Drug abuse

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has always motivated the youth to stay away from drugs and intoxicants. And taking it to the next level, Guruji released a musical blockbuster ‘Jaago Duniya De Loko’ in which He gave a very strong message of completely uprooting the evil of drug addiction by uniting and standing against it at grass root levels. The song gained a huge popularity amongst the masses and within 5 days crossed 6 million views on YouTube and within 9 days, it crossed the 10 million views on YouTube, making it one of the most popular songs.

Testimony to the success of this great song is the fact that many young drug addicts quit consuming them just by listening to this song; they also pledged to never consume them ever again in future. The song emphasizes to have strict guarding against entry of drugs and that panchayats and sarpanchs should act as sentinels, safeguarding their villages from the monster of drugs. Many social organisations from U.P. and Tohana honoured Saint Dr. MSG for momentous actions and campaign against drugs and other social evils.

Massive support for DEPTH Campaign

During the 40 days stay at Bagpat Ashram, U.P., Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan also launched a massive Campaign called DEPTH Campaign – Drug Eradication Pan-India Through Health and Meditation.

Guruji urged the youth to channelize their energies such that they contribute towards the progress of the nation and society and not to waste their precious youthful years in drug addiction. Guruji also appealed the dignitaries to stop drug abuse in their respective areas. When this devil will flee, only then will our society be protected, only then will people be happy. Almost every home is going through pain of deaths of young family members due to drug addictions. Guruji also said that the sadh-sangat will arrange for nutritious food for people who quit their drug addictions.

Don’t burn the stubble – An appeal to the Nation’s Agriculturists

Sermonising through Online Gurukul, Saint Dr MSG appealed to the sons of the soil, the farmers and agriculturists to not burn the stubble, instead convert it to compost, saying that stubble burning was a great threat to the environment. Ploughing the farmlands by driving a tractor himself, Guruji lead by example by showing and telling that using a plough, the soil can be overturned, putting the stubble into soil, which over the period of time turns into compost fertiliser, thereby increasing the soil’s fertility. This will eliminate the need to burn the stubble at all. In wheat and rice fields, this acts as fertiliser and will prepare the grounds for organic farming.

New Human Welfare Works initiated by Saint Dr MSG

During the 40 days, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan started many new welfare works. The 143rd is the DEPTH Campaign to eradicate drug abuse from the Nation, 144th is that the sadh-sangat ensures driving vehicles with legitimate pollution controls, 145th is FLAME – to light up oil/ghee lamps every morning and evening to purify the air and environment, 146th is SEED- implementing digital fasting from 7:00-9:00 pm every evening and spending that time with family and 147th is to help visually challenged students give their written exams by volunteering to be their scribes.

No words will ever be enough to thank our Spiritual Master Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, the epitome of kindness and selfless love, who dedicates His every breath to the well being of entire humanity.