May 1, 2019
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Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa, flooded with followers!

71st Foundation Day of Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa celebrated with sea of welfare works and devotion by millions across the globe

Foundation Day of an institution brings the unmatched feeling of devotion in every devotee. And if that institution is Dera Sacha Sauda, the place where every religion's representatives sit together and worship and serve mankind, then that feeling is out of this world. These were the sentiments that were seen on every DSS follower who visited Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa as part of Foundation Day celebrations at its Sirsa Ashram, at Shah Satnam Ji Dham.

A special Naamcharcha (at Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa) was organized to mark this occasion where devotees participated with exceptional zest and enthusiasm. Millions of followers visited this pious place to feel the ambrosia, selfless love and divine waves that this place provides by the grace of true Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan in spite of extreme summer heat coinciding with the wheat harvesting season.

29th April Jaam-E-Insan Anniversary along with Foundation Day

Apart from being the foundation day which happens to be 29th April 1948 this day also has the distinction of being the anniversary day of Jaam-E-Insan Guru ka when the pious nectar of humanity, was initiated by the Rev. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

11 years ago, this day got another credit to its name, many thanks to Rev. Guru Ji for this unparalleled grace on the people. Nectar of humanity is indeed keeping everyone dotting on the path of humanity and more than 65 million followers stand firm on the path of spirituality and service to mankind. This blessed day deserves to be written in golden words in the history of mankind.

Sea of welfare works, 1154 patients free medical screening, house keys to needy |  Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa

1154 patients were screened as part of free medical check-up organized at Shah Satnam Ji Specialty Hospital, Sirsa. Super specialist doctors provided their services to the patients coming in from both near and far off places.

A blood donation camp was also organized in the Sachkhand Hall (Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa) where 4912 units of blood was collected by teams visiting across the Nation. Followers also resolved to participate in the 134 humanitarian works initiated by Rev. Guruji with more vigor and energy than ever.

4 needy families were also provided with the Keys to brand new houses constructed for them by the followers.

Distribution of grocery, stationery to needy children and families |  Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa

4 physically challenged souls were provided with tricycles and 10 bicycles given to needy, 80 children were given stationery. Followers make every effort to ensure those destitute souls are tended to utmost care and love.

Rev. Guru Ji's kind grace is all they expect in return. And his grace is definitely the most precious gift a devotee can ask for after HE can turn the tides around with a single glimpse and when any tide is about to hit his child, will HE let that happen? Never.

A true Master is knowledgeable of every happening that is about to take place in a devotee's life and he makes sure, tides are turned well ahead of time, by providing his beloved devotees' ways to earn credit of good karma.

Millions managed with utmost discipline and care |  Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa

When millions attend a program, it is naturally a challenge to make sure, the program goes smooth without any causalities. Call it the grace of true Master, everything was well taken care of by the volunteers and followers too, were disciplined to the core.

Several medical teams were present to take care of any emergency. Traffic was managed well and although due to the enormous influx of people, jams were visible at almost every junction, entering the city and even on the border areas. 8 Marriages were solemnized by exchanging garlands.

Guruji's Satsangs were being played as part of Naamcharcha program which made the whole celebration complete, and memorable for all.

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