Nov 16, 2022
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SEED CAMPAIGN- A Digital Fasting initiative for one and all

Cell phones, computers, and laptops have made our life very convenient since their invention, as we can travel anywhere around the world and we can still connect with our loved ones and look after our work very easily.

Technology has been changing drastically; every day brings a new technical invention. No one could have expected that cell phones, which were built only to make phone calls, can now be used for making video calls, searching on the internet and a lot more. 

Learning has become easier, if one watches and follows the right content, the growth opportunities and earning opportunities can be many; connecting with the right kind of people, education, learning new skillset is all on the finger tips. All in all, it has connected the whole world in a way.

But it is not all rainbows and butterflies.

Cell phones have a plethora of beneficial uses and people use them in their day to day life for various purposes. But the fact remains that though they can make you feel more connected, they also can distract you and your family from connecting in person. The unfortunate ground reality is that cell phones are causing distances amongst family members and ruining relationships.

The unforeseen impact of cell phones on our lives – time for reality check

  • Many people, especially today's young generation and teenagers have trouble putting away their cell phones despite being aware of the many problems that they can cause. They might feel a lack of control on how often and for how long they use cell phones; the need to constantly check the phones is consistent; they can feel upset, aggressive or rebellious if they don't have access to their cell phones.
  • As of today, fewer families spend quality time with each other and nurture deep meaningful connections amongst family members. Differences, disagreements and increased disputes amongst parents and children can also be attributed to continuous addiction to gaming, unhealthy social media browsing and cell phone usage. 
  • Social media is highly superficial, mostly it pictures a life which is far from reality and young minds get easily impacted by it. This leads to a sense of inferiority complex, a sense of lagging behind and unreal expectations out of life, often creating a rift in relationships as well.
  • Mental peace has been lost somewhere, anxieties, depression and negativity is on the rise. Sleep disorders, inability to focus, and declining mental health are some of disastrous negative effects of smart phone addiction and unhealthy social media activity. 
  • One can see young children wearing thick glasses due to hours and hours of screen time. Reduced physical activities, lack of exposure to practical aspects of life is creating a generation that will not be able to withstand the tests of time, most of which can be attributed to unhealthy and binge social content consumption

SEED Campaign – Lets bring back the sweetness of togetherness

Youth is the foundation of a Nation’s progress and they need to be guided, to be nurtured and they need to feel connected with families, friends and culture to experience a holistic growth. To achieve this, Dera Sacha Sauda (An organization famous for welfare activities) has initiated the SEED Campaign to bring a wholesome change in the society under the pious guidance of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

S- Social and Spiritual life

E- Enhancement and

E- Enrichment with

D- Digital Fasting

Abbreviated as SEED.

Under this initiative, all the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda have pledged to stay away from mobile phones, TV, and other social media savvy gadgets for two hours from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the evening every day, and to spend that time with their families and friends.

Good relationships are a great boost for the mental health; they make a person calm, more at ease and give a sense of social belonging. Quality family time matters to all, from the senior most member of the family to the junior most; after all a true measure of a life well lived is also how deeply we have loved our family and friends, the memories of whom stay in our minds forever.

To make families more connected and relationships sweeter and better, Saint Dr. MSG has appealed to His followers to pledge for Digital fasting (SEED) from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Benefits of Digital Fasting- Start your journey of happiness today

  • ϖ Strengthens Family bonding
  • ϖ Better social relations and improvement in communication skills & conflict resolution skills
  • ϖ Improves Physical health & enhances mental peace
  • ϖ Boosts self-confidence & builds self-esteem in children, lowers risks of behavioral problems and promotes happiness in senior citizens
  • ϖ Drastically reduces anxiety, stress and tensions
  • ϖ Lengthens life expectancy
  • ϖ Improves focus on tasks at hand because of fewer Interruptions and optimum utilization of time


With so much attention placed on what technology can do, how much information it can offer, and how much cheaper and faster it is becoming, very little is being said about the catastrophic impacts on health and relationships when the usage goes unchecked and rampant.

Technology in hand via cell phones is great, provided it is used in a timely and appropriate manner, and not just for entertainment via social media, gaming or chatting.

One should use mobile, but not excessively, said Saint Dr. MSG. It should be used such that proper demarcation of time is made for mobile usage as well as for family and friends, so that it does not harm the relationships and health.

This is yet another feather of welfare added to the multitude of social welfare tasks initiated by Saint Dr. MSG, the great social reformer and a true spiritual saint. Thanks for constantly guiding the generations and striving to help them reconnect with their roots.

Let’s take the message - timely technology usage for self growth is fair, but let it not leave the relationships in despair.