May 31, 2023
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A River of Emotions Rushes Forth in Every Heart with the 16th Pious Letter by Saint Dr. MSG | Guru Ka Patr

The first "Satsang Bhandara" of  May was celebrated with great pomp in Dera Sacha Sauda, Shah Satnam Ji Dham, Sirsa (Hry.). A large number of devotees attended this pious occasion. On the occasion of pious Bhandara, Respected Guru Ji sent a message to all the followers in the form of a 16th letter, which was an ultimate gift for them all.

The relationship between a disciple and a Guru is a sacred bond, built on trust, devotion, and a shared journey towards awakening.  A spiritual seeker always longs to get connected with the true guru. And the moment of receiving the holy letter from Guru brims the heart with the torrent of emotions and utmost devotion. The tears of joy, gratitude, and an overwhelming sense of connection well up, making it the most sacred moment ever.

The same experience was felt by the disciples when they got the 16th sacred letter from Revered Saint Dr. MSG. Receiving personalized guidance from Guruji evoked an overwhelming sense of blessedness within their souls on the pious day of ‘Satsang Bhandara’. Gratitude permeated within hearts by having known the fact that their Guru, Saint Dr. MSG had chosen to pen the sacred words specifically for them.

The devotion and gratitude of disciples knew no bounds when they heard the sacred words of Revered Guru Ji that there is no such moment when He does not remember all His children and pray to Satguru Ji every moment for them all.

16th Royal Letter- Satsang Bhandara

To our dear children, trust/Management Committee, and servitors, many congratulations and blessings to all of you on the pious occasion of ‘Satsang Bhandara!’

Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Aasra

Our millions of beloved children, all the sermons that we had delivered in the physical forms of True Spiritual Master Shah Mastana Ji and Parampita Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj have been fulfilled, are currently being fulfilled, and will be 100% fulfilled in the future as well. All the sermons that Satguru Ji got delivered from us in the past, present, or will be narrated in the future will also get fulfilled 100%. Dear children, do not worry! The Supreme Lord is attentively listening to everyone's earnest prayers and will answer them soon enough. All of you should meditate, participate in continuous meditation (Akhand Simran), and engage actively in "Naam Charcha & Naam Charcha Satsang". Serve others and conduct welfare works with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm. The Lord will certainly fulfill your legitimate demands at the earliest opportunity.

Dear children, you all attended the 'Foundation Day Celebrations and Jaam-E-Insan Guru Ka' on 29th April, surpassing one crore attendees. As your MSG Guru, we pray to the Supreme Lord to acknowledge the presence of all of our beloved children who participated in that congregation (on 29th April) and those attending this ‘Satsang Bhandara’, in His divine abode; May He shower the Spiritual Bliss from holy realm upon you all here as well. Undoubtedly Satguru Ji will surely bestow abundant joy upon you. All the volunteers who did selfless service and are currently doing so, Satguru Ji will certainly bless them with twice the spiritual joys and they will be able to focus diligently in meditation.

‘Vachno Pe Pakke Rehkar Jo Maangoge MSG Guru Se,

Vo Prabhu Se Prarthna Kar Sab Dilwayenge.

Smundar Itne Denge Dyaa Mehar Ke,

Jholi Daaman Chhote Padh Jayenge.”

(Whatever you shall ask from your MSG Guru while adhering firmly to the 3 principles, we shall pray to Lord and ensure to get those demands fulfilled. We will bestow such gigantic oceans of holy grace that the abundance will surpass your capacity to contain it.)

Dear children, there is no moment in which we do not remember you; we constantly pray to Satguru Ji for all of you. The tears that well up in your eyes when you get emotional while listening to or reading the letter from your MSG Guru, are far more precious than the diamonds; the Lord accepts them in His 'Lotus Feet' and instantly bestows upon you an abundance of benevolence. Because seeing your profound spiritual yearning moves your MSG Guru deeply, who then, through prayers to the Supreme Almighty, ensures that overflowing joys are conferred upon you.

Yearning for a face-to-face rendezvous with all of you, your own MSG Guru, servant of the servants, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan!