Mar 5, 2013
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Control over the mann is The Truest Devotion

"Those who recite Gurumantra, God indeed help them at every step of life and bestow the holy grace which has never been imagined by the man even." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million faithful presently). Further excerpts from the Satsang (Holy Discourse) are as follows:

Those who chant Gurumantra get a hold of the pleasure and ecstasy which cannot be narrated. One is never deprived of anything if one follows the holy sermons and meditates regularly. Working hard is imperative for everyone whether a person is a celibate or a householder.

One must be assiduous as well as sagacious. Moreover hard work, performing good deeds, and rendering altruistic services is required. Whenever a person is free and is engrossed in eating, bitching, sleeping instead should recite the same (God's Word). Idleness keeps a man away from the God Almighty. With meditation and selfless services mann can be tamed. To bridle the negative thoughts is the true devotion in this era of Satan (kaliyuga).

Man is required not to follow the mann because it is intended to let the man do bad things and think negatively and departs a man from the God. With regular recitation and desiring to experience the God are the only prerequisites to control the mann. And for sure, a person will receive the Holy Grace and compassion and will be blessed with the Divine Happiness and Bliss forever.