Nov 17, 2014
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God's Name is a Treasure of Bliss and Ecstasy

"Almighty God can be accessed through dedication, reverence, firm faith and humility. Lord God takes hundreds of steps towards the man who just takes a slight turn towards Him. God is omnipresent and omniscient so, never commit bad of others; rather do good for everyone to the best possible extent." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as Pitaji by over 50 million followers) in the spiritual congregation on Sunday. Scores of people from Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan reached over there and get themselves acquainted with the holy preachings. Moreover, people from overseas also reached on the occasion and got benefitted with the sacred words.

His Holiness Guruji taught the precious Method of Mediation to 4,300 seekers without charging anything in lieu of that and made them vow to shun bad habits. Further, thousands of people took Ruhani Jaam (the Divine Nectar) and pledged to get involved in the humanitarian activities with passion and enthusiasm. One couple got tied in the nuptial lock without practising the tradition of dowry following the usual marriage trend of  Dera Sacha Sauda  (Brahm Vivah).

His Excellency Guruji said, "Sai Mastana ji Maharaj laid the foundation of Dera Sacha Sauda and taught the method of reciting the God's words and quitting the vices. Sai ji would sermonize that whoever follows the holy words, will never get deprived of anything either internally or externally. These sermons are still being materialised as none of the follower is devoid of. Beparwah Ji used to say that on throwing any plate from the Ashram premises would not find any place to get down and will be in the air only, till Sirsa city. The spiritual community (sadh sangat) will increase in leaps and bounds."

His every word is getting materialized, but to feel it one should have firm faith. God always bless the one who works hard and indeed he gets the success. All the religions unanimously mention that censuring is a great sin. As per the holy words of the Saints and Seers, "those who create hindrances on the way of God's enamours, they get afflicted". If one intrigues and opposes the innocent ones just by becoming money minded and egoistic, God is here to retaliate. One should move on the path of humanity with dedication and firm faith. As the mirror reflects the clean face when it is cleaned properly; same way, on cleaning the vices and cunningness with the help of Gurumantra, one becomes worthy of holy grace. It brings great results if one gets restless for getting the holy vision as the parents do for their children.

As a mother loves her children, the same love should be inside everyone for the divine. Those people indeed have an access to the Almighty God who mediates with great devotion and have a deep feeling to get the divine. The tears flowing in the remembrance of God become very much precious like the ornaments. The tears without any kind of hypocrisy or showing off indeed let the person to get one with the Almighty God.