Feb 12, 2013
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Mann Cannot be Controlled Without the God's Words

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by 50 million followers presently) exhorts that adopting Gurumantra is very much soothing and pleasing. Those who obtain the method of meditation their sorrows, worries and tensions flee away. They become capable of obtaining the happiness of both the worlds. They possess the innate happiness and divine radiance on their faces. Mann is like an uncontrolled horse but it can be restricted with resort to Gurumantra. It is to be mentioned here that mann is the negative aspect of mind which gives the negative, nocuous and nasty thoughts to mind, even while one is doing something good. One get depressed and comfortless and thinks that how it can be under control. The best solution is to defy those thoughts and meditate for a while. Consequently, their effect would be nullified.That is one must not abide by the mann because by doing so one becomes a culprit. He faces humiliation in both the worlds and is ignored by everyone.

So one must not let ones mann to be dominated over oneself as it entangles the person in the cobweb of lust, arrogance, avarice and attachment. So, it is requisite to bridle the mann. If a person is involved in selfless services, it is obligatory for that person to follow the cardinal rules otherwise all the selfless services done happen to become fruitless and happiness comes to an end. It is not the scenario that on getting engaged in social services one would not get the happiness. It is never possible at all. Rather one gets immense happiness internally as well as externally. Presently its fruit has been enhanced multi-folds. On defying the cardinal rules and holy sermons, people driven by mann attempt to bully that person and on getting influenced by them, one losses the happiness and divine effulgence. So, one must be courageous enough and not get deluded by it. Whenever it attempts to tease one in any way, one must recite the holy words. Even while strolling, one can chant the Gurumantra.

One must be determined that as and when mann would try to dominate, one would start meditating. By doing so, divine love would be bestowed upon that person beyond doubt. Mann never lets the man to be free and tries to involve him in negative thoughts always. To mane the mann is the true devotion in the era of vices (kaliyug). Those who strife with it through selfless services, meditation and welfare works they certainly win over it. They obtain the God's effulgence in every particle and become full upto the brim with spiritual ecstasyand bliss.