Aug 19, 2019
  Total Views : 2004

More than 7 lacs Trees planted by Dera Sacha Sauda Followers

When it comes to environmental conservation, it is the duty of every single person living on this planet. But how many of us do we think so? Not even 1%. This should be the foremost responsibility of every single individual and this should be taught to them as young kids.

But we have never seen the environment like this. We take Nature for granted when it is to be taken on a priority basis. Well, there is one segment who is actively involved in this service and providing their services consistently towards Mother nature month on month and year on year.

These are the Dera Sacha Sauda followers, who following the teachings of their Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan make sure, they do not fall short of their responsibilities. Yes, this is our prime responsibility maybe after looking after our families. We owe to the planet equally as we owe towards our jobs and families. If not us, then who? after all, we are the most capable creations of God-Almighty. And we are entrusted with wonderful brains who can come out with genius solutions towards every problem. But we have been actively involved in polluting our Mother Nature, rather than healing it. It is high time, we realize, this and work unitedly towards this cause.

Dera Sacha Sauda Followers have been planting millions of plants worldwide, every year on India's independence day 15th August. This is the biggest day for the followers as it is also the Birthday of True Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Their huge contribution is also acknowledged in the form of 3 world records in the field of Tree plantation, alone.

Once again on Wednesday 14th August, the followers contributed towards a Mega Tree plantation Campaign by planting more than 7 lac trees across the globe. Being the 52nd Birthday of Reverend Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan the volunteers were very excited right from the start of the month. The first day of the month saw n number of activities all over, either in the form of blood donations, or tree plantation, grocery distribution and various others.

In this Mega Tree plantation drive, 7,38,530 trees were planted. And Followers also pledge to look after these saplings until they are self-sustainable.

Birthday celebrations with Mega Tree Plantation

Every year, this day is celebrated with great enthusiasm by the followers, across the globe by undertaking Tree plantation. Followers plant these saplings as a birthday gift to their Master every year, which in turn is also the best gift to the Planet. Every volunteer young or old, women or senior citizen take part in this campaign with a lot of zeal and feel proud to contribute towards the environment and its protection. Till 2018 alone, Dera Sacha Sauda has planted more than 40 million Trees since the year 2007 the year when the first Mega Tree plantation Campaign was initiated.

The Tree Plantation campaign was initiated at sharp 9 am on 14th Aug, and by evening, a 7,38,530 Trees were adorned on the face of the Planet. Members of the royal family, the family members of respected Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan initiated the drive in Sirsa at 9 am sharp by planting 15 trees.

Followers planted Trees across the globe in their respective cities, including Haryana, Punjab, UP, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Bihar, Karnataka, MP and almost every other state and across the seas, took part in this Campaign. Apart from this, followers also plant trees all year round, commemorating various occasions and milestones in their lives.

Here are Details of Trees planted on the occasion of Birthday of Saint Dr. MSG Insan, by volunteers across the globe

  • Haryana                    2,25,000
  • Punjab                      2,95,000
  • Delhi                            35,729
  • Rajasthan                    28,345
  • UP & UK                   1,15,338
  • Other States                35,498
  • Canada                            300
  • Australia                         2150
  • Italy                                  150
  • New Zealand                    900
  • Philippines                        105
  • Royal family                        15
  • TOTAL                       7,38,530

Volunteers also strive to look after these young plants and saplings and continuously monitor and look after their progress until they are self-sustainable.

Details of trees planted by Dera Sacha Sauda  in the past years, are as follows

Birthday 15th August, commemorated with a series of welfare activities

The string of welfare initiatives was carried further the next day too, i.e. 15th August which is the Birthday of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan at the ashram premises of Dera Sacha Sauda at Sirsa. Apart from a naamcharcha which is organized on every auspicious occasion. Here devotees sing praises of Lord Almighty. The whole session brings divinity and bliss from within, to the entire surroundings.

Lacs took part from various parts of the world on this occasion. This is the most important and biggest festival for a devotee when their Master incarnated on the planet for them. Apart from this spiritual session, various other welfare works were undertaken by the Followers.

Here's a round-up of the same:-

Blood Donation Campaign | Birthday With Welfare

Blood donation campaign was one of these many drives conducted on this day. This is a campaign which is an inevitable part of any special day at Dera Sacha Sauda. As revered Master puts in, "There cannot be a bigger cause than saving human lives". So volunteers make sure, every occasion of their lives gets celebrated with a blood donation. They do not fail to do so even on their own wedding days.

4,391 units of blood were donated as part of this Campaign. Followers have also been donating blood since the start of this birth month in various parts of the world. Blood banks from various parts of northern India visited to collect Blood. They were surprised at how these volunteers were excited to donate Blood.

This is generally the reverse of what is normally seen said a Blood Bank employee. As per him, we have to counsel donors into agreeing to donate Blood. In spite of being healthy individuals many a time, they are hesitant to donate blood thinking that this will bring weakness and stuff.

But here, we have to ask people to step down to donate blood as their vitals are not sufficient and they, on the other hand, plead us to take their blood. We have to make them understand it's for their own benefit their blood is not being collected. But they fail to understand and insist on donating. This is the spirit which Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has imbibed in these volunteers, this is incredible, no match for this in the entire world.

Now, this is Dera Sacha Sauda, a world where humanity is above all, and when you are ready to give yourself up for others, God too may bend a couple of rules for you says Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. This is how the entire month is celebrated by these warriors of humanity, with loads of welfare and humanitarian causes.

As part of 3 days medical checkup camp, which was going on at Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa, since 13th Aug. 1682 patients were provided free screening & consultation by a team of specialized Doctors. These doctors and paramedic staff provide their valuable services for almost a week every month as part of this Camp.

Free consultation and screening took place for various departments of health and lifestyle including Gen. Medicine, ENT, Ortho, Dental, Eye, gynae, gen. Surgery, Physiotherapy, pediatrics, Neuropsychiatry, and Ayurveda, etc. These services were much appreciated as the current lifestyle has invited a host of medical issues starting at a very young age.

Tending to the needy souls

As part of looking after the underprivileged and deprived souls, 2 keys to the newly constructed houses were also given to the poor and needy whereas 15 sewing machines were donated to rural women, as a means of employment.

Let us thank Mother Earth for nurturing us by taking care of her

In today's times, tending to the environment and saving human lives is the biggest service one can do for their country. Human life is not just for living for our own comforts and luxuries exhorts Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. A life spent for the service of others brings true happiness and bliss otherwise even animals, birds, insects and other creatures manage to fill their stomach.

God's devotion and service to others are 2 qualities that make humans human, else humans are equivalent to other creatures who are living day and night for their own pursuits. This is where a human being qualifies to be called as a true human. And we can see this as a live example when we meet these volunteers whose faces exude true happiness and inner light. This fades away every hardship and suffering they bear to bring smiles on others' faces.