Oct 7, 2019
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Parmarthi Diwas- A wonderful tribute to a great soul Bapu Maghar Singh Ji.

Dedicated his whole life for humanity| Tribute To Bapu Ji

Bapu Maghar Singh Ji resp. Father of His Holiness Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan an epitome of humanity and selfless service left for heavenly abode on 5th October 2005. His entire life has been dedicated to serving others. Such was his love for his Master Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj that on a single call of his true Master he offered his only son who was born after 18 years for the emancipation of souls. A feat that may seem to be ordinary but even the strongest of Bravehearts will give up. But not Bapu Ji, he finds not a single question mark appears on his face. And why should he? It was a true master who had provided this wonderful gift and now he was taking it back, he told Mata Ji. In fact, He was well aware of the fact that his son would be with him for only 23 years as per the prophecy of Saint Triveni Das at the time of the birth of His Holiness Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

True Disciple in every sense

And since he was a very devoted disciple, he felt that it was his Master himself in the form of saint Triveni Das Ji. Well keeping this prophecy in mind Bapu Ji got his son married at a very young age. Bapu Ji also took great care of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan and listened to every single demand made by young Guru Ji. Bapu Ji was very attached to GuruJi both as a son and as a Guru. This is the sign of a true disciple who has spent years earning devotion and thus being worthy of giving birth to true Lord. Bapu Ji was compassionate to the core and the best to pay tribute to a great soul like him would be by serving humanity and therefore the day Bapu Ji left for his eternal journey is celebrated as Parmarthi Diwas.

Tribute through welfare

Followers undertake various welfare works and a mega blood donation camp is organized every year on this day. Every disciple makes sure he serves the children of God as their tribute to respected Bapu Ji a pious soul and above all one who united us with true Lord Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan by being a means of giving us our Master in physical form. We are forever indebted to Bapu Ji for this wonderful gift to the entire mankind. https://youtu.be/6UnUHCIMtTE Follow Dera Sacha Sauda on  Facebook & Subscribe to our  Youtube  Channel for Updates.