May 15, 2013
  Total Views : 1599



The fetus growing in a mother's womb is influenced by a mother's emotions and feelings, at every moment and its solid proof is in the epic of Mahabharata. When Abhimanyu was in his mother's womb, he learned the art of breaking a circular battle formation from his father. Thus a mother from her womb, from the lap to society, shows the right direction to her child. That's why a mother is the first teacher of her child. A Mother, who has spiritual thoughts and the influence of Spiritual Saints in her up-bringing, will obviously have a capable and dignified child. So Saints inspire the pregnant women to hear Spiritual discourses, to hear the epics of great warriors; that makes the coming generations brave and noble and benefit the country and the world. Guruji always spreads awareness about this. They are also taught to keep their thoughts pure. A mother's behavior also affects the fetus inside the womb. The coming child's, behavior is moulded according to what his mother thinks, what she listens to and what she speaks. It has an indelible impact upon the child.

If a mother must bear, then be it a spiritual warrior, Otherwise remain barren, why make her radiance, disappear!?

It has been amply proven scientifically. So through his sermons, Guruji gives the spiritual message to pregnant women, so that the coming society would be created anew, flush with virtue. All the pregnant women are advised that they should read and hear stories about devotees, brave heroes and warriors. Women are inspired that during pregnancy they should keep away from bad habits like laziness, irritation, impure food, backbiting and intoxication .They should keep away from prohibited items of food. Unnecessary use of medication, insensible food, liquor and misbehavior affect the fetus's soft heart and mind, which is dangerous for a child. A pregnant mother should follow all these instructions, so that the newly born baby would be healthy and would have pious views and also be free from all diseases. If a pregnant woman follows above mentioned instructions, her coming times will be full of happiness. Her child will be positive, glorious and devoted, and thus a healthy society would be created.