Apr 24, 2013
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Reciting God's Words Is The Ultimate Gift

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million faithful followers presently) expounds that God is present in every particle. There is not a single place where 'HE' is not present, as HE is omnipresent and the way to reach HIM is meditation: listening Satsang is the way to Know HIM and by following the holy discourse, one can see the GOD and obtain the Divine Vision. Until a person knows what is his destination how can he choose the way to reach there; only by knowing about the destination one can decide the exact path to follow. On coming to Satsang, one comes to know about one's objective, exact motive of one's life and why he has got this human birth? Also, one comes to know the exact way to reach up to one's destination. That destination is Supreme Power (God) and the Method of Meditation is the only way to attain Him. On abiding by the holy discourses of Satsang man obtains success in each and every field and gets the exhilaration. Until a person listens to Satsang, one's mann (negative aspect of mind) keeps on deluding him. And after that also it is required to follow the holy sermons. Satsang bestows immense happiness but only on those who comply with the holy sermons, can get hold of this happiness. The doctor gives the medicine but one who takes it on time can benefit from it. And if a person keeps the medicine inside the home and does not take it, then it is of no use. Fortunate are those who listen to the spiritual congregation (Satsang). On abiding by the sermons man neither remains deprived of anything internally nor externally. On the contrary, if one does not abide by the holy sermons, one gets deluded by the mann and gets entangled in the troubles and tensions. In this Kaliyuga (the era of satan), reciting the divine words is the ultimate present for a man. All other things are futile. If one follows the holy sermons on listening Satsang and abides by the three cardinal rules of the Ashram, God bestows immense happiness which one has never ever imagined. So it is mandatory that one must listen to and abide by Satsang to acquire the exhilaration and happiness internally as well as externally.