Mar 17, 2013
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Satsang Saves Man from the Awful Bad Deeds

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by more than 50 million faithful followers) expounds that they are fortunate ones,those who attend and pay attention to Satsang. The boundary of the accumulated bad deeds cannot be explained in words however, this is the fact that on listening to holy sermons one becomes free of accumulated bad deeds. Abiding by the Satsang means one must listen to Satsang, have selfless love for all creatures, never hurt anyone's emotions. If you hurt anyone due to ego, lust, avarice and attachment then your devotion gets detracted. He remains stressed and depressed and he remains in isolation from the Almighty God. So, one must never think bad of anyone. As the great Saints like Kabir Ji had mentioned that '

"Kabira sabse hum bure, hum taj bhla sab koy. Jin aisa kar manya meet hmara soy".

It means that anyone can say that I am bad; but those who literally accept this fact and never say bad to anyone they become the most loving children of Lord. It is imperative that one must comply with the Satsang after listening to that. Then only one can become worthy of obtaining the bliss. As the stones kept in the scorching sun can harm someone's feet but if scant amount of water is sprinkled over it; they turn out to be cold. If the man only listens to Satsang but does not abide by the sermons, is still better than the one who does noteven attend it. Without following the holy sermons one has to bear the consequences of one's committed bad deeds. Saints preach the followers to comply with the sermons and those who follow become worthy of holy grace and compassion in both the worlds. And ultimately, they become worthy to receive the divine vision of the Almighty God.