Aug 17, 2007
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'Shah Satnam Ji Ruh-E-Sukh Ashram', Daulatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Shah Satnam Ji Ruh-E-Sukh Ashram

This Ashram is situated on Delhi-Ajmer bypass, in close proximity to the toll tax, Daulatpura. This fabulous building was constructed in August 2007. In August 2007, His Excellency Guruji laid the foundation of this Dera; conducted a satsang [spiritual community] and imparted Gurumantra [the method of meditation] to several people there. After the establishment of this Ashram, many amendments have been made under the holy guidance of most respected Guruji. During the satsang in 2011, this Ashram was felt to be short of accommodating the strength and love of the devotees; therefore, a gate was erected there after demolishing a wall. After the sastsang, Revered Guruji imparted Gurumantra to thousands of seekers and ruhani jaam [a sweet ambrosial drink] was also served to them so that they could also move on the path of humanity.