May 15, 2013
  Total Views : 9183



Excessive wastage of ground water leads to a dangerous situation. Misuse of water is unleashing a deadly water crisis before the world. Everyone must attempt and reform oneself to overcome this menace. Guruji is extremely committed to tackle this situation and highlights the dangers. In his discourses, His Holiness exhorts the volunteers to limit the use of water and curb water pollution as well. The devotees do their utmost to save water as per Guruji's teachings. Not a single drop of water is wasted in the Ashram. Even the waste water is recycled and reused. Extensive rain water harvesting systems are laid throughout the Ashram premises. Crops with low water requirement are largely grown here. Drip systems are used here for farming and the farmers are also inspired to use the same to conserve water. Guruji advocates rain water collection and harvest by making tanks in every farm. On a person level, Guruji advises people not to waste water even while brushing or taking a bath.

Guruji also explains that water should be drunk sip by sip and not gulped down. Similarly, low water use toilets are advocated. Guruji teaches that every drop of water saved can add up to a huge amount if everyone resolves to do so.